
This section is for all technical website stuff. Mostly there are links of different kinds. To find and to be found. Have a look at my wonderful collective affiliates; they're all so worth checking out. Or have a look at the resources sites that I have used to create this website/layout.


  • my collective affiliates

my lovely partners in crime

There are a lot of other fanlisting collectives out there that love creating and maintaining fanlistings as well. Currently, I have 25 amazing affiliates.

If you would like to become an affiliate, please fille out my contact form or email me at Katie[@]in-blue-rain.org. I'd be happy to hear from you.

 A Love Letter Across the Stars Aishiteru Artistic Shadow By the Stars Captive Heart Cloud & Shade Crush Daffoldil Lament Dazzle DCE Desiderata Fanfreak Flowers for a ghost Heart of Snow I Heart You Iridescently lovesick No Promises No Sleep Northstar.nu Obliviate Room 402 ThisLove.nu Valley-Road.com